MUSIC HEAVY BLUES (COMMETH) - Physical Compact Disc

  • MUSIC HEAVY BLUES (COMMETH) - Physical Compact Disc

MUSIC HEAVY BLUES (COMMETH) - Physical Compact Disc

This special price sale will go on until the album is released. The album is set for release Spring 2023 (February/March,) it will be available on this format. PRE-SALE will end on Prof. Jp's birthday December 21st, 2022. So please support this album.

The next John-Paul Jones Group album of Original Music is entitled, "Heavy Blues (Cometh)" and it is more personal songs. Jp promises he will be bringing more 7-string wizardry. I you truly want to support him. Follow the band or sign up for the newsletter. Pre-sale date will begin soon.

Thank you for supporting live music.

Pre-Sale will come with a T-Shirt